Script Planner
Lets explain Script Planner
Watch Script Planner in action
Why Choose Script Planner ?
If you or your client are using scripts on their websites and you want to get the scripts activated on a specific page(s) or at a specific time, then you need script planner !
Script Planner is an easy to use wordpress plugin that will plan your script.
Online chats or similar scripts can be annoying when they are not being used.
Do you need them to be active 24/7 ?
Maybe some scripts need to be active only on specific pages, or at a specific date.
That is why we created script planner.
Script Planner plugin provides a variety of options so you can plan your script on the page(s) or post(s) when and where you choose to have the script activated
Stop waisting time on developers or countless hours trying it yourself. Get more conversion and stop losing sales and say yes to your clients and customers !
With Script Planner you can plan your scripts anytime and anywhere !
Choose your Script
Select an existing or new Script.
After you activate the script planner you can select a new script or use one of our done for you scripts settings.

Script Settings
Selecting Script Settings.
Each script offers a variety of settings and options. You can choose to activate multiple scripts on a everyday, multiple of specific day and time base !

Script Planner is a wordpress based plugin, so it can only work on websites developed with wordpress cms.
After you have purchased the script planner plugin, you will be able to download the zip folder. When you unzip the Script Planner premium plugin, you will find the demo content(done for you scripts) and the script planner plugin. The script planner plugin can be installed like any other wordpress plugin. Additional documentation can be found after you activated the script planner plugin.
We did not set any restrictions on the quantity of scripts you are allowed to use., so you may use them accordingly.
Yes, you may use the script planner plugin for all of your own and client websites. You may resell the script planner plugin to your clients and keep all the profit !
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